Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Unavoidability of the Jewish Question

The following is a series of posts made by Wintermute at The Civic Platform. The comments came in response to a post there by Daedalus who asked if the Jewish Question is really something upon which White Nationalists should spend so much energy. Daedalus’ post was very sensible and the question is worth asking by newbies to WN. Wintermute’s answer is so well done it deserves to be seen by that handful of intrepid souls who wander to this small corner of the fever swamps but missed it there.

Here is a little background for those who may be otherwise unaware. American Renaissance is an organization run by Jared Taylor and it focuses on race realism. It covers subjects resulting from race differences such as crime rates, intelligence, and culture. The focus of AmRen is the negative consequences other races have on the White Race. It does a good job as far as it goes. Until a few months ago AmRen had a fair amount of debate about the causes of the on-going fall of our people. This often turned to the Jewish Question and there are advocates of at least three main views on this:

1) Jews must be courted and are only our enemies in the same fashion as white liberals and that anti-semites need to be purged from White Nationalist groups because Jews are white (this view is characterized by the blogger Lawrence Auster - View from the Right)

2) Jews overwhelmingly have been, still are, and always will work against Whites in very destructive ways and that they have no place in any white nation much less any WN organization and that they are NOT white (characterized by the late William Pierce - founder of National Alliance)

3) Jews have largely worked against us but since they control most institutions of power we must try to avoid giving offense.

Jared Taylor used to allow this debate but he had some sort of epiphany and has opted to shut down this subject altogether so he is now an example of the third variety. There is a fourth view and it is what I call Jew worship but since these people are never White Nationalists it is purely relegated to trolls allowed into WN forums. For now AmRen can still display all the destruction the white world is facing but cannot talk about possibly the most compelling cause - Jewry. It’s like seeing the Wizard of Oz but never being able to look behind the curtain.

Here’s Wintermute:

• I agree that this is the most vexed question facing racialism at the current moment.

However, I must disagree with Daedalus when he writes, “No one will ever care about the JQ until they are convinced that white racial preservation, or ”racism,” as it is pathologized today, is a moral duty that we owe to future generations of our own people.”

“No one” is not quite accurate. I was turned, virtually overnight, from what I call a “Benetton Libertarian” to what is now deemed a “racialist” of an almost obsessive cast, by a reading of Kevin MacDonald’s book. It was obvious to me, almost instantly, that the model MacDonald presented not only accounted for observed phenomena in a more parsimonious way than current theories of the architecture of political power, but that it could be used to make very accurate predictions as well.

I will be honest, Daedalus, I cannot tell whether you are anti-Judaic (a term to be preferred to the now loaded and unusable anti-Semitic) in private, admitting to a genteel Jared Taylor racialism, or whether you are genuinely unaware of the depths of the Jewish Question. It’s not like you would be alone, even among the greatest men of our race. It is very plain in retrospect that, though he suspected the degree to which Jews direct Western life, inner and outer, that Hitler himself could not bring himself to believe the depth of the problem. So you’re cagey and keeping your options open. That’s good. I respect that, though as I have said, I disagree.

Taylor has now sold himself and his organization lock, stock, and barrel to the Jews. They will slowly arrive in small numbers, accumulate slowly (not all will admit to Jewish ancestry or loyalty), provide AmRen with access to media and respectability. Jared Taylor will be the first White Nationalist who will appear in a major Northeastern Newspaper without the epithet “far right extremist” or “neo-Nazi” listed as his official title.

Now, I have my sources concerning Mr. Taylor. I happen to know that his view of the Jewish Question, is, if anything, more alarmist and hysterical than my own. The less said about his devotion to the Third Reich, the better, though I will say he owns more paraphernalia of that regime than I do (full disclosure: I own none). Mr. Taylor, who has built the most respectable WN organization in the United States, has effectively outlawed discussion of the Jewish question, which he has already disavowed on the Donahue show and various radio programs. It’s not hard to follow his logic, since it follows yours: given that Jews are so powerful, there is simply no way to even challenge them openly and prevail.

So far as it goes, that’s not an unfair statement to make. It may yet prove to be impossible, or it may not. My take is: it hasn’t been tried yet.


As the years pass, and AmRen fills with Jews like Polichinello, Michael Weiner, and so forth, I predict one of two things will happen: either the group will be directed by its Jewish wing into purposeless and vicious encounters with Blacks and Mexicans, which can be used by “non-WN” Jews, via their media cousins, to destroy the legitimacy of all Euro-American Civil Rights movements, or they will simply be marginalized and encouraged to vent their increasing rage at more and more inconsequential targets, as the Birchers were. Remember, the Jews bought them out, and directed an anti-Communist group (in the 50s!) down avenues of complete irrelevance while they were roundly mocked so well and so often in the press that they are a laughingstock, even today.

You can see how easy it would be for Jews to do this to AmRen.

Finally, consider the odds on the gamble Jared has just made with our future: for a few radio interviews, appearances on daytime TV, and columns on Horowitz FrontPage, he has turned his well assembled WN group into the new Birchers. Not only are Jews now in a position to completely neutralize or marginalize WN or any subsequent racialist movement, the sacrifice of maybe fifty activists and a few hundred million dollars (pocket change, really) will now allow them to claim far and wide that:

a) Jews are actually not monolithic, and have a variety of political positions and concerns, which they do not and, even more damaging and nightmarish, that

b) Jews are on “our” side or even worse, that they are “White”, which they are not.

The PR damage of these last two listed items, to my mind, is even more dangerous than the simple marginalization of racialist opposition to current attempts to erase culture, family, race, nation, heritage, and religion as mediating structures between the “hierarchically harmonious” civilizations that Whites create, on the one hand, and the totalitarian nightmares and chaos that seem the only expression of Jewish political action among foreign populations.

We’ve discussed this before. There are times to remain silent on the debates surrounding German internment of Jews in the Second World War. The best approach to presenting the Jewish question is a challenging question but not impossible one. The main points of Culture of Critique, after all, can be summarized as an hour long DVD which gets the message across pretty well, not to mention the fact that the Jews - and no one else - are gearing up to drive America into war with Iraq, which will be our end as financial and political power forever. Wider repercussions, such as regional wars, the use of nuclear weaponry, and other possible sequelae to Israel’s command to the United States to attack Iran, will be the milieu in which we spread our message.

As I have said before, the hour of decision is not upon us, it is drawing to a close. I do not think much is achievable for the White Race, but something might still be saved. Whatever might be saved is not going to be saved by Taylor’s new John Birch Society, anymore than immigration is going to be resisted by the Sierra Club, on account of a hundred billion dollar contribution by a Jewish billionaire, who gave them instructions to purge the group of its anti-immigration wing, which they promptly did. So the largest lobby of its kind was emasculated by one Jewish player.

What do you think will become of Jared Taylor infinitely smaller, less influential, and widely hated lobby when it has fifty Jews inside?

This is not the time for irresolution. Our Race is almost certainly doomed, on account of its own actions in accord with Jewish demands during the Second World War (there are distal causes, of course). Since annihilation is virtually assured, why not go out saying what is true?

Christ, piss ant medieval peasants would regularly give Jews the boot. Are we of so much less stature than they morally that this is beyond us? They simply assumed their problem was over once the local group of bloodsuckers was dispensed with. They had failed to understand their own interdependence with other White States, just as they had no understanding of Jewish tenacity and hate, or their capacity to act virtually as a colony organism. How could a peasant know that a people so violently expelled would move heaven and earth to get back in? It does beggar belief. However, thanks to the works of Chad Powers, Kevin MacDonald, and others, we have a greater understanding of Jewish psychology, and can avoid the mistakes and the fate of our forefathers.

Are you saying we can’t create a similar climate of opinion here? Or that we shouldn’t?

I say, with chances of victory and defeat roughly the same I would rather go down telling the truth than lying. However, I keep in mind the Greco-Roman dictum that we may lie in two cases: to enemies, in order to elude them, and to the sick, feeble minded, and others of reduced capacity, to prevent them from harming themselves or others.

Obviously, we need to think more clearly how best to frame this question. However, I do not regard it as a debatable fact that Jews are now, and have always been, on a wartime footing with whomever they live among - back to Roman times - and that unless we engage them on the same grounds, we will lose.

Comment by wintermute — July 4, 2006 #

• One more point about Jared Taylor’s wager - Taylor is not a fool or a knave and I do not wish to indicate that he is.

What I want for readers here to consider is this: Taylor is betting the farm on the fact that ‘awakening’ whites to Mexicans and Blacks will eventually lead to an understanding of the Jewish Question, even though he has just made it plain that there will be no open discussion of the latter.

He’s using a Trojan Horse strategy: get Jews to foot the bill to educate Whites to their own best interests, and then watch as those ever politically clever Whites put two and two together, and turn on their ‘benefactors’. It’s a fair bet, and if we were dealing with anyone else but Jews, it might work.

My viewpoint is different: the White Man is such a politically retarded beast that he won’t even think about group interests until the electrodes are already on his genitals, if you’ll pardon my French. The Germans did seem to get the point - finally - when they had been reduced to abject poverty, debt slavery, and with a Jew controlled Empire waiting to swallow them up and murder their upper classes. But of course, those are the Germans, the best of us. There’s no guarantee regarding the rest of the branches of our racial family as to proactivity in this regard. Germany itself is now a lobotomized corpse, from which we cannot again expect help, or anything at all for that matter. They were well and truly murdered by the British and the Americans.

The Jews are betting that they can infiltrate, manipulate, and neutralize the largest and best WN organization in the US, and make it serve Jewish goals. My money is on them - they’ve taken down much larger targets. Jared Taylor is a marginal figure, if not despised, at least suspect. Charles Lindbergh was a god, and the Jews turned him into an unperson in a week’s time after the Dearborn speech. AmRen will be given the Free Republic treatment in short order, adding another few thousand Americans to the list of people whose entire information news intake is vetted by Jews first before consumption.

In addition to the “Jews are White” strategy for the ones who still have the Ferengi phenotype, there are also the ones who really do look like us, and never need to announce their presence, simply lending their assent in group discussions to standpoint that are friendly to Jewish interests. They get us coming and going.
Now, Jews have been strategizing as a Race for three thousand years - for those who doubt this, a rereading of the book of Exodus is in order. Whites have been strategizing as a race - well, it would be more accurate to say Whites did strategize as a Race for about twelve years in the mid 20th century.

12 years experience vs. 3000, with all of those on our side who strategized already tortured, burned, bombed, hung, ethnically cleansed, starved, or sent to the Soviets to be worked to death in labor camps, and their children brainwashed and silenced. So, unlike our Jewish counterparts, we lack that from-the-crib instruction in going for the jugular while feeling not a twinge of compassion in doing what must be done.
I think Taylor’s gamble is laughable because the level of political acumen (not to mention money, media access, etc.) between the two groups are not even remotely comparable.

And, although it did only last twelve years, the other method does seem to have the advantage of, um, working. Even to the point of holding off four Planetary Empires while so doing. The small hope that I have is that just a few years of Internet access has brought the most intense propaganda campaign in history - “The Holocaust” - to within measurable distance of its end. And all this just fifty years after our first slave revolt was put down so definitively! That is indeed heartening.

I do most of my work in what is referred to as “the real world” and I daresay I have ‘converted’ more people to the JQ than most online boards. It is a hard but not impossible road that begins with courage and ends with confidence. People who open Whites’ eyes to the Black ethnic cleansing of our cities, and Mexican depredations of the economy, are of course, wonderful. I simply feel that all of these branches of work must be done without Jews. That group which does not exclude Jews will eventually be ruled by them.

Likewise, there must be groups that openly speak about Jewish power and wrongdoing, expressing the appropriate degree of anger while so doing, and not just dispensing words. If you are afraid of the person you’re accusing, it plays badly with the crowd. Americans, especially, hate a loser.

Comment by wintermute — July 4, 2006 #

• The responses I have seen from JQ’ers are all over the spectrum: shoot them, give them the boot, name the Jew, etc.

Create a climate of opinion that does for them what the climate of opinion does for us: causes self-hatred, limits reproduction, encourages emigration, inspires fear of openly speaking in one’s own ethnic interests for fear of physical reprisal or job loss, etc. Continually feed this climate over decades, until the very sanity of the target group is shaken. This is one advantage we have in comparison to the Jews: much lower levels of neuroticism. They’ll break psychologically very quickly. Look at Michael Weiner. For him, the “Holocaust” is on its way already! And all of this because a few people on the internet have noticed that PNAC and the Iraq war were basically a Jew thing. Ditto Iran. I would say two decades of a “Critique of Jewish Culture” would have them begging for terms.

This process should be brought to a feverish summit where repatriation or sterilization are offered as alternatives for Jews, Muslims, etc.

Blacks and Mexicans: give them the South and Southwest. For the sins of America some form of permanent punishment, which is also a reminder of the terrible costs that externalizing costs and moral cowardice to later generations, that has a permanent effect on White political discourse is needed. New constitution sets death penalty for slavery or any related economic model, including immigration for cheap labor. Nation busting by capitalists will be the occasion for eye-opening reprisals a squeamish public and a cowardly and soft ruling class will never forget.

Intergenerationality is the key word here. We will initiate the project - and must design institutions which remain true to their charters. It is our children’s children who will see this process through to completion.

Comment by wintermute — July 4, 2006 #

Wintermute has captured the probable destiny of AmRen given Jared Taylor’s choices, using the JBS as a template. Wintermute does not underestimate our enemy but criticizes our folly for underestimating them. Jews have not survived and thrived for millennia in hostile environments because they are weak our soft; they are cunning and ruthless. This is not to say we should mimic them in every way since much of their scheming has made them a parasitic race. They can no longer live on their own. They need us while at the same time their malice and paranoia drives them to destroy us. It’s a contradiction buried deep in the Jewish soul.

Here is another piece of background showing the pervasiveness of anti anti-semitism. At Majority Rights, a forum slavishly devoted to making pro-White views “respectable”, there is still a fair amount of discussion about the JQ though it has a few contributors (one especially) who think just like Master Freud would have liked of his goy toys - that anti-semitism is a form of mental illness rather than a very healthy form of self-defense. Wintermute was one of the most eloquent proponents of the importance of a successful resolution to the JQ at MR and for that he was banned for a time from the site along with Friedrich Braun. The pathological jew-worshippers (and I do mean worship) still ply their trade at MR but not the more vocal anti-jews. Nonetheless, MR is still a useful site, as is, to a lesser degree, AmRen.

I suspect MR will follow the lead of AmRen if it ever becomes more of a force in shaping public opinion. It is too costly to defy our real enemy. Chasing their spawn down endless rat holes is more what they want of us. From Wintermute’s comments make special note of the Sierra Club. I remember as a child growing up to the impending doom of the “population explosion”. It permeated public thought, from governmental initiatives (the EPA) to novels like Soylent Green. The theme was mankind is the world’s bane. Pro-environment groups like the Sierra Club were big into this mindset and it is at least partly true; there can be too many people for a given eco-system. The funny thing is that once White populations dropped below replacement the constant reminders of population explosion have become fewer and fewer; this even as 3rd World populations continue to boom. Also, instead of being very anti-immigration, as should be expected from any pro-environment group, the Jew-money has neutered the Sierra Club. It no longer speaks for the environment but for Jewry. If there’s a conflict of interest, within a pro-environment organization, between Jewry wanting more Mestizo’s to overrun America and Environmentalists wanting fewer immigrants guess who wins? The same thing is now true for organized labor. They don’t speak for labor’s interests (fewer workers to keep wages high) but in Jewry’s (more darkies to bring down whitey).

There can be no health and life for any being which has surrendered its existence to another. Jews have shown, for so long, such a hostility to our people that we can no longer allow them in our presence – especially not in revolutionary organizations (and White survivalism is now very revolutionary) intended to fight for our interests. It is them or us. Unlike them I hope that they can live on in their homeland or some other place of exile in peace though as far from us as this earth allows. They afford our people no such right to exist. That is their wont. We do not have to be eaten from within by the same hate, just the love to live.


wjg said...

Hopefully we are wrong and Jared will be an exception to the rule but it does not look promising. More White energy will have been flushed away for nothing other than some tainted access to the enemy's media.

For all the smarts of us Whites nature seems to be rendering a contrary verdict.

wjg said...

Your trifecta seems accurate enough. Insofar as modern Nazis want to go around and march and goose-step and salute it is silly and even hurts our cause. But there is MUCH to learn from historic Nazism and how they ascended to power and what their vision for their nation was. I do think, like Yockey, that Hitler was a hero of our people.

Taylor is one of us for now but the danger is his deal with the devil will be destructive. Wintermute is right in saying we cannot beat the Jews when it comes to deceit; they are the unparalleled masters. We must stay true to our spirits and fight them in our way.

Taking your components, the Scientists, Traditionalists, and Nazis must cooperate thru confederation of some sort. All three must be aware of our external enemy - Jewry - and our traitors - shabbas goy. Blacks, Mestizos, Gooks, etc. are only chaff for Jewry to beat us.

They must only be fought on an as-needed basis and motivated to turn on Jewry since they are only a tool that will be discarded after they have served their purpose to the cancer of humanity.

We definitely have a lot of common cause with Islam though they must take back their people from our lands when the dust settles.

Rob said...

Create a climate of opinion that does for them what the climate of opinion does for us: causes self-hatred, limits reproduction, encourages emigration, inspires fear of openly speaking in one’s own ethnic interests for fear of physical reprisal or job loss, etc. Continually feed this climate over decades, until the very sanity of the target group is shaken. This is one advantage we have in comparison to the Jews: much lower levels of neuroticism. They’ll break psychologically very quickly. Look at Michael Weiner. For him, the “Holocaust” is on its way already! And all of this because a few people on the internet have noticed that PNAC and the Iraq war were basically a Jew thing. Ditto Iran. I would say two decades of a “Critique of Jewish Culture” would have them begging for terms.

Brilliant. I think this is doable.